Specific files
Vaccination communities of practice
The difficulties encountered in the framework vaccination against Covid-19 are very common

Les difficultés communes
However, healthcare providers have diverse experiences in terms of parent and patient relationships and personal difficulties.
Innovative practices improving the performance of small farms
Feeding the world requires everyone's contribution. Family producers who feed 80% of the population in Africa and Asia(CAM) find it difficult to assume this role for several reasons. Apart from cyclical phenomena, structuring approaches to improving their production are available but still little used...
The social and health needs of internally displaced individuals
The migration crises outside the borders are the ones that make the most noise. However, the greatest population movements take place within the borders of countries. Responses to the needs of displaced people are not always well analyzed before interventions
The support needs of teachers in the early childhood environment

The world of early childhood is constantly changing. Adapting to work in the environment requires flexibility but also resilience for teachers and workers. The difficulties and the needs they give rise to, not always visible in their entirety, nevertheless require consideration....
Real needs and integrable approaches to francization in the workplace
When a law brags about the recognition of two languages as official languages, it is not up to one or a few provinces to ensure its effectiveness and even its promotion, but to the federal government. In Quebec, the situation of French is often perceived as a question of identity. This perspective obscures a greater...